5 Scary Vitamin Deficiencies That Can Cause Hair Loss

Vitamin Deficiencies That Can Cause Hair Loss


Are you wondering that why you are facing extra hair fall problem? there are some Vitamin Deficiencies That Can Cause Hair Loss. But sometimes it is also due to genetics or due to aging. So first of all it is important to diagnose the actual issue behind it. So today we will address some of the important vitamin Deficiencies that can disturb the health of your hair making them weak and vulnerable.  If you are not taking that vitamins in your diet than it can be a possible reason for your poor hair health.

5 Vitamin Deficiencies That Can Cause Hair Loss:

1. Vitamin D:

Vitamin D is very essential for hair growth. Sun is main source of getting vitamin D and people can get vitamin D in their daily life.  But many people gets fail in getting  Vitamin D due to  indoor activities and limited exposure to the sunlight.

Deficiency of Vitamin D is related to alopecia areata( a condition that can cause excessive hair loss). If you live in a area where there you have a limited sun exposure than you can take  Vitamin D supplements and you can also eat some fruits or take some meals that are high in Vitamin D.

2. Biotin:

Biotin is found in foods like egg, whole grain etc. Biotin is also called as Vitamin B7. A deficiency in biotin can lead to excessive hair loss and hair thinness.

Many studies have shown that there is a link between deficiency of biotin and  hair loss. So it is important to add eggs nuts and whole grains in daily life routine to fulfill this deficiency and  you can also fulfill the deficiency by taking supplements of biotin.

3. Vitamin B12:

Vitamin B12 are responsible for the red blood cells production and as we all know that red blood cells are responsible for carrying the oxygen to the cells. So they also take the oxygen to the hair follicles. Now the major source of getting Vitamin B12 is through meat. Many vegetarians can have the deficiency of vitamin B12 so it is important for them to fulfill this deficiency into your diet by taking the B12 supplements. Or non vegetarians can take meat in order to have a complete diet that can fulfill their hair growth needs.

4. Iron:

Iron deficiency is also called as anemia. This deficiency is common in women now a days. And it is linked with hair fall problem too. You can fulfill this deficiency by eating those food which are rich in iron and take the supplements of iron under the supervision of  doctor.

5. Vitamin C:

Vitamin C is not related to the hair loss. But Deficiency of vitamin C can cause an issue in the absorption of iron.  If there is not sufficient vitamin C in body it can lead to iron deficiency we can complete the vitamin C in our body by some fruits and we can also take vitamin C supplements some foods that are rich in vitamin C are citrus strawberries etc.

6. Vitamin E:

Vitamin E is really important for the good scalp health and hair growth. So it is really important to eat more green  vegetables and take that meals which includes vitamin E or you can also take these supplements according to the prescription of your doctor.

7.  Vitamin A:

Vitamin A is necessary for cell growth so the deficiency of Vitamin A can lead to hair loss and can cause itchy scalp and dryness in the scalp so it is important to take healthy diets like carrots and dark green leafy vegetables it will prevent your hair from getting damage.

8. Zinc:

Zinc is very important for the tissue growth and deficiency of zinc can cause extreme hair loss. So it is important to take those foods that are rich in zinc it will make your hair much more stronger and give a healthy growth to your hairs.

How to tell whether you have vitamin deficiency or not:

It is really important to take blood test to check whether you have vitamin deficiency or not. It is really important to consult with a doctor he will give you instructions according to your symptoms. It is really important to do changes in your daily routine and eat those  foods that are rich in vitamins.


1.  Which vitamins can cause hair loss?

Some of the vitamins that can cause hair loss includes zinc, biotin , vitamin d, vitamin A etc.

2. Can I check at home whether i have vitamin deficiency or not?

Yes you can absolutely tell but not properly which vitamin is lacking in you. But it is better to consult a healthcare so you can tell her about your symptoms, then by blood tests you can check that what supplements you should take to be healthy and to have healthy hair.

3. Can i complete my vitamin deficiency by foods only?

You can say that you can absolutely fulfill your vitamins need in your body by eating some fruits and meat too. But if you don’t like eating fruits too much or you are vegetarian than you can absolutely take vitamin supplements according to the consultation of your doctor.


It is really frustrating if you are losing a lot of hairs , so it is really important to identify the possible reasons of the hair loss. Sometimes vitamin deficiency is the reason . Vitamin deficiency not only effect your hairs but it also effects your over health. There are many symptoms of these deficiencies. Like iron deficiency can cause dizziness , so there are very little little symptoms that you can observe in your daily life.

So whenever you are noticing some changes in your physical health do not ignore them and immediately went to your doctor for the further consultation 

Healthy diet leads to healthy skin and healthy hairs. Stay happy  stay pretty and stay healthy 

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